You are using a specific layout and couldn’t find it in the left panel when you reached the “Layout” step of the process? You are looking to assign colors to specific keys? Say no more:


This little button is here for you to create your own layout. You will switch to the layout customization area that looks like this:


  1. Color picker: changing the color here will change the color of the keys below
  2. Drag keys to add them: this list includes all keys we have available for this color/profile/material combo. they can be dragged into the preview area for positioning
  3. Show details: includes (or removes) the key details on the preview area
  4. Discard custom layout: removes your custom layout and goes back to using standard layouts

Select keys to move/remove them or change their color

When clicking a key it gets “selected” and a banner appears in the bottom of the screen


<aside> 💡 Hold Shift to select multiple keys!


  1. Highlight selected key(s): when selected keys have a purple border (granted not very visible in the version shown on this screenshot!)
  2. Number of keys selected: hold Shift to select multiple keys.
  3. Color of selected keys: put your mouse over this area to change those keys colors
  4. Keyboard shortcuts